The Tara Centre is now an established base in Northern Ireland for Michael O’Doherty and his one to one Bio-Energy Healing Treatment Clinic.
This is a privately run Clinic which is managed by Michael and his own team.
For the Spring 2022 Programme, Michael will be here on the following dates: Monday 28th February, Tuesday 1st March, Wednesday 2nd March, Thursday 3rd March 2022.
“Illness begins in your body when your bio-energy system gets blocked or becomes imbalanced. The first step is to get your energy system balanced and flowing correctly and this in turn triggers the process of healing in your body.
Both my practitioners and I work with a limited number of people on a one to one basis at my clinics in Ireland and the UK where great time and effort is taken to ensure the cause of your health issues are clearly identified and the correct strategies are put into place. Emotional stress, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders, children’s health issues including colic, asthma, obesity, diabetes, eczema etc. just to name a few of the conditions that people attend my clinic with”.
All enquiries and transactions in relation to attending Michael’s private clinic at Tara are to be made directly by contacting Michael’s clinic in Ennis, Co. Clare.
Note: The Tara Centre plays no part in this process but we recommend it unreservedly.
Mobile: 00353 87 6721888