Regardless of whether you are healthy, want to prevent illness or have an existing condition Michael O’Doherty will show that we have many options to positively influence how we live and have a life without illness.
At this two-day training programme, you will be given a basic understanding of tried and tested Bio-Energy techniques and an opportunity to learn these skills to help you and your family cope with stress and difficulties in life. Practice of the techniques will take place in pairs to facilitate experiential learning. For more information, visit, on which the content of this seminar will be based.
Michael O’Doherty is a pioneer in the field of healthcare with over 28 years’ experience in guiding many people back to health. He believes the time has come for change and family healthcare needs to become the central focus.
Please note: This is not a training programme for healthcare professionals.
Saturday 23rd (10am-5pm) and Sunday 24th March 2023 (9.30am-4.30pm).
Your place is secured by payment of a £10 Booking Fee. VSS subsidises the rest of the cost for participants who meet the criteria. The cost is £60 for those who do not qualify for VSS.
Prior booking is essential. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Book your place by contacting Reception on 028 8225 0024.