An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Tuesday, repeating until 5 July 2022
The established Tara Centre Meditation Group will resume meeting on Tuesday mornings at 10.30am, led by Mary and Maura, commencing on Tuesday 26th April 2022. Anyone who has followed the Meditation / Mindfulness Course for Beginners at the Tara Centre is welcome to join this group. Please contact Reception prior to doing so.
Tuesday mornings commencing Tuesday 26th April 2022.
10.30am–12 noon
Refreshments provided Cost: Contributions welcome
Places are limited due to Covid 19 restrictions. Prior booking is essential. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Book your place by contacting Reception on 028 8225 0024.
(Open to anyone who has followed the Tara Centre Meditation/Mindfulness Course for Beginners)