Michael O’Doherty is a pioneer in the field of healthcare with over 26 years’ experience in guiding many people back to health. He believes the time has come for change and family healthcare needs to become the central focus.
Testimony to the effectiveness of Michael’s energy work is provided by ‘Lord of the Dance’ celebrity Michael Flatley, among others, who credits Michael O’ Doherty with his return to the world stage with greater vigour than ever at a time when his spectacular career seemed to have come to an abrupt end.
At this two-day training programme, you will be given a basic understanding of tried and tested Bio-Energy techniques and an opportunity to learn these skills to help you and your family cope with stress and difficulties in life. Practice of the techniques will take place in pairs to facilitate experiential learning.
Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th February 2022
Saturday 10.00am – 4.30pm (registration 9.00am – 9.45am) / Sunday 10.00am – 4.30pm.
Tea/Coffee & Scones on arrival from 9:00am / Lunch will be provided. Cost: Your place is secured by payment of a £10 Booking Fee. VSS subsidises the rest of the cost for participants who meet the criteria. The cost is £60 for those who do not qualify for VSS. Please see page 6 for financial considerations. To Book: Places are limited due to Covid 19 restrictions. Prior booking is essential. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Book your place by contacting Reception on 028 8225 0024
Attendance throughout the full two-day programme is essential. Please wear comfortable clothing. Due to Covid 19, the sanitising/washing of hands and wearing of masks and/or visors is a requirement during practice of techniques.
I think that energy, and the use of energy in healing, will be the biggest frontier in medicine over the next decade.
Dr. Mehmet Oz