An experiential workshop with Kathleen Duffy. This workshop invites us to experience the amazing wisdom of dreams as a powerful source of guidance from the soul. It allows us to explore the irrational nature of the dream as a way of bringing unconscious content to consciousness.
Kathleen Duffy is an accredited Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist with a passion for working with dreams in a practice spanning over 30 years. She is the author of the book “Awaken to the Wisdom of your Dreams – Mirrors in the River”.
Course content will include:
Date: Saturday 10th June
Time: 10.00am- 4.00pm (registration from 9.00am to 9.45am)
Cost: Your place is secured by a £10 booking fee. VSS subsidises the rest of the cost for participants who meet the criteria. The cost is £30* for those who do not qualify for VSS.
Note: Prior booking is essential. Places will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Book your place by contacting reception on 028 8225 0024.
* we apologise for the error in the brochure – the price on the web is the correct one.