Meditation – A Way of Life

Ever since the Tara Centre opened in June 1996, the practice of meditation as part and parcel of everyday life has been facilitated as a “user-friendly” approach to deepen an awareness of the Source of all life that lies deep within the heart/soul of each person and within all life forms. It is through this connection with the Source that healing can take place, hope can be restored, and that life can be lived to its full potential.

We approach the teaching of meditation from a generic perspective which respects each participants’ world view and/or spiritual orientation.

In recent years, we have adapted our programme to include an appropriate emphasis on core elements of mindfulness within the broad canvas of the universal, age-old multi-faceted generic approach to the practice of meditation. It is within this context that we offer our teaching and practice.

To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Soul of Healing Gatherings

For over 25 years, the Tara Centre Co-Founders have hosted soul-nourishing one-day gatherings at the Centre. They have become cherished occasions for the many seasoned meditators who attend, creating and sharing an ethos which enriches the quality of life at truly transformational levels.

Attendance at these one-day intensives is open to anyone who has ever followed the Meditation and Mindfulness programme at the Centre.

View our latest programmes