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Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.

Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.

Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.

Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.

Living with grief after suicide – PATHS

Tara Centre 11 Holmview Terrace, Omagh, Tyrone, United Kingdom

Paths is an inter-denominational voluntary group formed to support families and individuals bereaved by suicide.

Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.

Omagh Men’s Support Group

The group offers men a safe and secure space where they can talk about their emotions, find help in managing the stress in their lives and explore possible solutions to life’s problems.